Shahar Livne
Conceptual Material Design
Shahar Livne -Conceptual Material Designer and Researcher
Melting Pot Arita
​2023 -2024
During my visits to various kilns and factories in Arita, Japan—the birthplace of Japanese porcelain with over 400 years of history—I observed a curious trend across all of them: the use of pink ink to color the latex applied in the glazing process. Interestingly, there’s no specific reason for choosing this particular shade of pink. It seems to have simply caught on as a local trend among the kilns in recent years.
What struck me was the stark contrast between this synthetic neon pink and the refined, traditional techniques, as well as the natural materials typically used in these workshops. This contrast inspired me to explore its recreation. From my research into over-glazing, I learned that this vivid pink would be highly toxic if translated into a glaze in the same color. Instead, I chose to focus on replicating the material buildup and distortion of shape that occurs when pink latex is applied to clay objects, as seen in the local workshops. This accumulation disrupts the traditional designs on teapots and other vessels, resulting in a unique aesthetic that both interacts with and reinterprets traditional craftsmanship.
Materials: Amaksa porcelain, traditional Gosu paint, Brass details
The project is made possible by the Creative Industries of The Netherlands (Stimulering Fonds)
And in collaboration with the Riso Gama Company